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Unmaking Hunter Kennedy Page 21
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Page 21
Maybe it had been a poor choice.
Jenna ignored what he’d said. “Dude. For real. Vere! For REAL?” She walked around him, and looked over at Vere then back at him before speaking again. “Seriously, I don’t mean any offense, but you’re—you’re both kidding me, right? I’ve been to Bakersfield. No WAY do they wear this stuff down there. NO WAY, and never on purpose.”
“Jenna!” Vere’s voice held a higher note of alarm.
Dustin took one step back. He did not feel good at all.
“But, Vere. Can’t you see it? He’s—he’s—the spitting image—of—of—”
The canary, the test bunny, now the evil, bad Jenna Riley waved her hands in the air, and then pointed straight at him. “I’ve got it! He’s—just like that cool eighties band, DEVO! Dead on. Nerd glasses and all! HOW do you NOT see it?”
“Maybe because I was not born in the eighties and didn’t start listening to music until the year two-thousand?” Vere’s voice was shaking, but Jenna didn’t seem to notice.
She went on, “Come on. Everyone know’s that band! It’s the group with those boots and the matchy-matchy, radio-active fallout looking zip suits? Although, I think they wore yellow, or was it white...”
Vere shook her head. “Nope. Don’t know them.”
“God, Vere. you’re such a philistine!” Jenna cried.
Dustin sucked in a deep breath. “I know the band. Your point about them...?”
Jenna shrugged. “No point. Just searching for reasons as to WHY you are wearing this insane outfit. Please say you’re a fan.”
“I am a fan, actsttthually. Yesssth.” DEVO was one of his favorite inspiration bands. No wonder he’d been drawn to the orange suits and big boots.
She grabbed at his shirt sleeves which made him flinch major, drawing a frown from Jenna.
“Sorry.” She blinked, clutching his shirt even tighter. “But again, what’s with the flannel?”
“Jenna!” Vere gasped. “You’re being rude.”
“Fine, maybe I am, but what the HECK?”
Dustin quickly crossed his hands in front of him, protecting his wrists. He had to force himself not to flinch as the test-bunny continued pulling on his shirt.
“Hmm...The plaid makes you sort of punk as well as late eighties...so confusing. So boggling...so wrong. Yet, I kind of like it.” She turned to Vere, and pulled gleefully on the ends of her braids. “I don’t even know how to label him though.”
“Then don’t,” Dustin choked out, holding back a laugh of absolute relief.
This Jenna girl is slightly cool.
Jenna was on some kind of roll because she was still talking to him and he hadn’t heard the last ten things that had come out of her mouth.
“Aren’t you melting in that get-up? You’re a sitting duck for heat exhaustion if you think you’re going to wear that outfit into our school.”
“Jenna! You are going to hurt his feelings,” Vere admonished.
“Not as much as he’s hurting my eyes. We can’t let him go in like this. No matter how whacky-cool, and I’m all for that, we can’t let him go in like this!”
Dustin caught Vere’s eye. She was grinning now. This time it was her good, happy grin.
“Dustin, don’t you listen to her. You can go in how you want, be who you want to be. I mean, who you ARE.”
Vere’s relieved smile had grown so large he flashed his retainer smile back.
Vere laughed out loud.
Jenna seemed to find none of this funny. “C’mon. He will be murdered on sight. God. Poor guy.” To Dustin, she added, “Vere is not the person to advise you on what to wear around here. Take my suggestion and at least leave the pockety-vesty-thing in the car. Heck, even the plaid shirt. Take all that off. Oh no! Is that a second compass on your pants?”
Time to launch THE WALK, and THE TALK.
Dustin faced Jenna and bent into a deep bow as he worked up his best English accent. “My dear, lady, Jenna. Dare you offend me, or have you justth paid me the highesthh compliment?”
“I—er—what?” Jenna flushed. “I didn’t mean to offend you it’s just—”
“Hold!” Dustin interrupted and rose from his bow, grateful to see he had Jenna’s full attention.
He risked a glance at Vere.
She had her arms wrapped around her waist and was trying not to laugh again. “I’m referring to your comment about the band, DEVO. It istth my favorite.” He continued, “If you know that band at all, it markstth you the most unusual of acquaintances. There are not many our age who are ssstho advanced in their musical tastthes. Please, allow me, in advantth, to invite you to be my date to prom?”
“Er. NO?” Jenna did some strange blinking thing at Vere as though they shared some sort of secret language. “Is this a joke? Are you PRANKING ME? Am I being filmed right now?”
Dustin noted that Vere was trying to ignore Jenna because she looked away. Jenna stomped her foot just then, pissed off at being ignored.
Yep. Secret girl language.
Time to finish this. He took Jenna’s hand and brought it up quickly and kissed the back of it. “It istth an open invitation.”
Jenna ripped her hand back. “Ask me to prom again, and we are not friends. Deal?”
“Deal.” He grinned, toning down the lisp. “And I was just kidding.”
“Isn’t he fantastically adorkable?” Vere piped up. “Don’t you see now why I’ve adopted him? Really. I’m keeping him forever. With a little more convincing, he’s going to join the drama club with us.”
Jenna was busily wiping the kiss from the back of her hand onto her jeans.
Worried he’d gone too far, he quickly brought it down a notch minus the accent. “Oh, and the lisp can fade if I work hard at it.” He added, already noting that he might forget on that once in awhile. “And, I really don’t have an English accent at all,” he added, being dumb on purpose.
“OMG Duh!” Jenna cracked up. “You are a good actor, though.” Dustin knew he’d won her over when he saw that Jenna changed her glare into a half smile.
“Lucky my best friend thinks you are awesome or I’d sock you in the stomach for that hand kiss. No more smooches Mr. Eighties Rock. That was flipping over-the-top stalker gross. And no more talking like you just stepped out of a Renaissance fair. That has got to stop, as in now.”
Dustin smiled. “Right. Got it. Sorry. When I’m nervous I always do that.”
Vere burst out into a fit of giggles. “Stop. You’re killing me.”
He could tell Vere had about two million more things to say, but was holding back. This was actually kind of fun! He couldn’t wait to try random weirdness on the next round of people.
They trudged up a long sidewalk, heading for the school. Within minutes they were in a crowded front courtyard full of high school teenagers. He pulled his hat down. People were looking at him.
Tons of staring eyes all shooting straight at him. He thought he would be used to being stared at. But this was wild. Everyone was looking, but pretending NOT to look. It was the first time he’d been stared at minus any admiration or adoration.
What he was getting now was simply bad energy.
His stomach rolled. Maybe he should have eaten more breakfast. Dustin moved a step closer to Vere as his heart rate went crazy. “I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”
He shot her a glance, trying to keep the fear out of his voice and hoped his glasses hid his expression.
“Don’t worry. They aren’t looking at you, they are looking at the boots, the glasses, and the fact that you are hanging out with the dorkiest girl in the whole school, me. It just isn’t done. You’ll see.”
Dustin gave her a sharp glance, but she appeared completely unperturbed. “Why do you always say that stuff about yourself?”
“Because it’s true,” she answered simply.
The crowd forgotten, Dustin’s panic slipped away as he was distracted by Vere’s attitude. Why did she seem so comfortable branding herself
an outcast? “It’s not. You’re so awesome.”
She arched a funny look at him and shook her head. “You don’t really know me. Not how they know me. Sadly, whether you like it or not, I am the dorkiest girl in this school. I’ve earned the title.”
Dustin opened his mouth to launch a major rebuttal but Vere grabbed onto his arm. Her hand locked like a vice into his shirt as she paled. “Great,” she whispered. “Kristen Hodjwick. Weapons ready and shields up. This game is about to get serious.”
Vere pasted on the tense, fake smile she’d had on earlier with Jenna.
“What game?” Jenna asked.
“Life?” Vere answered, and shot an apologetic glance at Dustin for almost blowing it by saying too much.
A short brunette approached, followed by a gang of over dressed, over made-up girls. They were currently giggling and whispering to each other. One had the audacity to point directly at Dustin and laugh.
Well, perfect. It’s what I wanted.
They certainly weren’t running up screaming and asking for autographs, so it had to be a good thing, right? Dustin took a deep breath.
Round two. Let’s go.
“Hey Vere. Who’s the tall guy with the dark glasses?” Kristen asked, her eyes never leaving Dustin. Her tone had been less than flattering. She was wearing a cheerleader outfit, and her hair was cut into a perfectly shaped upside down, cartoon-style triangle.
Dustin gazed down at the brunette. She wasn’t cute or ugly, but standing next to Vere, Kristen came across to him as plain boring. The girl had talent though. She’d mastered how to ignore Vere while talking to her at the same time.
She reminded him of a double-talking album producer or worse, a studio accountant.
Dustin recognized her name from Vere’s ‘incident’. Miss Kristen H. was most probably not here to welcome him or play nice.
“His name is Dustin,” Vere said. “Dustin McHugh.”
Dustin offered his hand for Kristen to shake, but the girl crossed her arms, clearly not in the mood to shake hands.
“He’s new. My neighbor’s nephew,” Vere added.
“Ooh. Our names almostth rhyme.” Dustin said, drawing a surprised glance from Kristen.
“Did Vere teach you how to dress or something?” Kristen asked loudly, as she took in his whole outfit.
The girls behind her laughed.
Dustin shot Vere, a look worried her feelings would be hurt.
Vere tugged at her giant sweatshirt and tossed her bun as if to show she didn’t care, while she glared daggers at Kristen.
Dustin gave Kristen the same low bow he’d given to Jenna, minus the hand kiss and the English accent. “A pleasure to meet you. I dressth myself. But if you want to help me...anytime!”
Kristen Hodjwick pursed her lips; she did not even try to hide her horror at his bow, or at what he’d offered.
This was going to be good.
He’d decided to misinterpret Kristen’s interest in him as flirtatious. He flirted right back. “I’m from BakersTHHfield, Cal-I. Forn. I.A.” He winked at her. “Kristtthhen, is it?”
Kristen made a perfect, bitter lemon face and rolled her eyes. “Uh. Yeah. It’s Kristen.” She flipped her hair and continued with a mocking voice, “I THuggesstTH you don’t memorize the name. I only wanted to see Vere’s new boyfriend up close.”
Dustin preened in front of Kristen. “Oh. She’s not my girlfriend. If I could only be sttho lucky. But can I get your number?” He straightened his vest and gave her his retainer smile.
Vere immediately started to cough.
Dustin knew it wouldn’t be long before she had the giggles again. He forced himself not to look at her because his own lips were twitching.
In the meantime, Kristen Hodjwick had actually gasped at his question. “So gross.” Her voice turned acid. “Don’t mistake my curiosity for some kind of pickup, because I’ve definitely seen enough of you. Enough for the whole year.” She tossed her hair again. It was so bone straight that it did this insane little flip that looked just like a slap in the face.
Yep. She had talent.
Another few years and she could apply for a job as a Hollywood accountant. It was a relief Kristen was making a point to not look back because Dustin was grinning from ear to ear.
Wow. Totally snubbed.
He couldn’t imagine this disguise working any better.
“Oh, but—Kristtthtten, wait!” He called after her, unable to resist.
Kristen held up her hand to silence him without turning back around.
This gained her another solid round of giggles from the girls who awaited her return. To them, she was announcing, “I never thought there could be a male-geek version of Vere Roth, but I was wrong. They say everyone has a perfect match somewhere on earth, and now I’m going to have to believe it." She threw a glance at her posse. “Girls, you should get a look at this guy up close.”
“Eww. Not happening,” one said.
“Yeah. We’ll take your word for it,” sneered another.
Vere and Dustin dissolved into laughter.
Jenna, not understanding Dustin and Vere’s absolute glee, had crossed her arms as though she were holding back on throwing punches. Her venomous stare into Kristen Hodjwick’s back could have started a fire.
Dustin was glad to have Jenna on their team and watched his new ally un-clench her fists. As if she realized Vere would not assist her in this confrontation, she shook her head looking somewhat dazed, she called after the girls, “Yeah. Well. Kristen Hodjwick, the perfect match of you is—is—your MOM.”
Kristen turned back and laughed. “Ooh. Nice. Last time I heard that one, I was in the third grade, dork!”
“Damn,” Jenna whispered, so only the three of them could hear. “Kristen’s right. I so deserve that. Who says ‘your mom’? I’m so lame.”
She looked so helpless and mad that Dustin chuckled. “You’re awesome, like Vere promised.”
Vere’s laughter started up all over again, her large brown eyes twinkling pure happiness at them.
Jenna glowered at her. “What is wrong with you? You’ve gone mental.” To Dustin, she added, “Vere’s usually in charge of excellent comebacks when she’s not delirious. They are obviously not my strong point. Vere. Stop laughing.”
“Sorry. Once a fit starts, it’s hard to stop.” Vere stepped in between him and Jenna, and bumped his upper arm with her shoulder. Her eyes were still filled with mirth. She giggled one last time, and he felt like the holes he’d been carrying on his heart had somehow just been filled in with her friendship.
With her...just her...
“We’ve done it BGF,” he said softly.
“Oh yeah. We’ve done it,” Jenna quipped, still not understanding as they headed for the door. “We’ve sealed your fate.”
“She’s right. I hope you weren’t expecting to make other friends besides the two of us,” Vere added.
Dustin took a deep breath and smiled at his newly formed gang. He felt...slightly...amazing. “Why would I need to do that? I’m good with you two. But on the flip side, I could be too much of a long-term social burden. No hard feelings if you decide to cut and run after today.”
Jenna folded her arms across her chest. “We can decide that later. And if you try to dump us, we’ll stalk you or something. I like you a little—or I like the compasses—so you’re stuck!”
A loud electronic beep cut through the air.
Dustin flinched and glanced nervously at Vere.
“First bell. We have ten minutes to get to class,” Vere explained.
Dustin smiled and pulled his lips up above his retainer in reply.
Vere laughed again and rolled her eyes.
Jenna grimaced. “I suppose there’s no way you can yank that retainer and only wear it at home?” she asked, her expression hopeful.
“Hey now, it issthhhh new technology. The dentissthh says all my teethtths will ssseparate if I don’t keep it in.”
“But our eyes
could separate if you don’t take it out—”
“Jenna, can you give him a break? He’s only just met you. You can work on his fashion later,” Vere said cheerily. “Follow me, Dustin. I’ll take you up to the office.”
23: invisible
Dustin stared at his registration packet.
Vere and Jenna had long since left him alone at the front office with a goat-ish woman called Mrs. Ferriter. She was now leading him along. Each of her steps sounded like hooves, clack, clack, clackity-clacking all the way to a long table in the back room.
She handed him a huge pile of strange, school safety waiver forms to fill out. He also had a student handbook, a registration form and a booklet that had yellow sticky notes all over it. Mrs. Ferriter had told him the sticky notes designated which classes had been marked full, and that he was not to sign up for any of those.
There were two other late-start students filling out their paperwork, but after only a cursory glance, they had positively ignored him.
Excellent sign of success.
Mrs. Ferriter had directed him to choose something they called Advanced Placement courses for his core math, science, literature, and history classes.
His grades and test scores that had been sent over allowed for that, whatever that meant. He dutifully chose Trig. II, Physics, English Literature, and Medieval History, all from under the AP category.
Dustin let out a big, noisy sigh on purpose, and quickly looked at the guy sitting next to him.
The guy didn’t look up.
The girl he’d dubbed permanently-annoyed-girl shot him a glare from across the table.
A flood of laughter surged into Dustin’s chest but he managed to hold it in.
This new teen-invisibility factor had to be the best feeling in the world! He tapped his pen onto the table and tested his dorkiest whistle as he turned back to his forms. When he looked over his choices of electives, drama was the only available option. Vere would be happy at least. Besides, he sure wasn’t going to take any of the P.E. classes. Short sleeves and locker rooms would not work.
“Excuse me. You, with the ugly vest. Stop the whistling bit,” permanently-annoyed-girl ordered. When he looked up at her a second time, she pulled a face and rolled her eyes while tossing his pants a sneer.