Unmaking Hunter Kennedy Read online

Page 27

  Curtis got the message and returned the jock salute with a cool-guy nod of his own and stalked away with the other guys.

  Dustin could tell the guy was not pleased to be shut out of the conversation, but he’d already learned from being with Curtis in Drama class, that the fool avoided anything that might cause a scene.

  When the team was out of hearing range, Charlie leaned on to his left shoulder against a closed locker to turn his back to his retreating pals. “Sorry about the slam. Wouldn’t want any of us to get out of character.”

  Dustin eyed him and decided to stay silent.

  Wait to if this dog meant to bark or bite.

  It had been a silent car ride that morning between all of them, so he was certain Charlie was tweaked about that.

  Well stand in line. Aunt Nan had said Vere would come back—talk to me—but so far she can’t seem to look me in the face.


  “What in the hell did you do to my sister yesterday?”

  “Nothing. She gave me the guitar. Said you helped her buy it. Nice gesture by the way, coming from both of you. Aunt Nan’s taking me to get an amp this afternoon.” Dustin layered on his best sincere smile and wondered if it looked sincere with the giant retainer. He hadn’t practiced this look in the mirror yet.

  “It sort of seemed like Vere had been crying. Her face was all puffed up. Do you know anything about that?”

  “Don’t all girls cry about everything? Move off my locker dude. I need to get one more book.”

  Charlie obliged and leaned on the next row. Dustin quickly re-opened his locker. He was relieved he could now hide his face behind the open door.

  “Vere hardly ever cries. To top it off she blabbed about you all night long at dinner. On and on about how freaking nice you are. Then she played GuardeRobe on her computer speakers all night long. And not one flipping word about her and Curtis at all. It was over-the-top strange. She was a moody psycho. You sure you don’t know why?”

  “Not a clue. Maybe she and Curtis had a fight?” He evaded. “I’m bummed she thinks I’m nice, though. I hope that label doesn’t get around school.” Dustin rolled his eyes at Charlie, even though he was secretly elated. “Look. I guess it just made her really happy to give me that guitar or something. She did seem a little choked up when she handed it over.”

  Charlie nodded. “She would get all sappy about that.”

  “Again, double cool of you guys to think of it. It’s a good one by the way. I love it. I’m psyched to be playing again. Thanks.”

  Charlie smiled, appearing to relax as though he’d bought into Dustin’s denials. “Totally her idea. I only agreed because of personal reasons. It would be a tragedy if certain musical talents, in my favorite band, got out of practice or something. Don’t make me wink at you. You know what I’m saying.”

  Dustin had to laugh. “Yeah. Please don’t wink,” he said, moving deeper into his locker when Charlie laughed, drawing the attention of a few onlookers.

  Dustin spoke to Charlie from behind his locker door. “Anything else?”

  “Yeah. Another favor. A huge favor.”

  “Shoot.” Dustin paused.

  “Can you keep Jenna Riley away from Vere and Curtis in drama class? For that matter, make yourself scarce. My man Curtis says he hasn’t had a chance to be alone in the crowd with Vere thanks to you two stalkers.”

  Dustin swallowed. “Sure. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Good. I also need you to come to the lake for the weekend. I’m sure you don’t have any plans for Labor Day, do you? My mom invited you through Vere last night. I’m sure she’ll tell you, but in case she doesn’t, consider yourself told. And consider yourself going for more Jenna Riley duty.”


  Charlie grinned. “We always invite our friends along for one last blast and to help with the cabin winter shut down. That means the dreaded Jenna will front and center. I’ve obviously invited Curtis. We’ll head up after the football scrimmage Saturday afternoon. Sadly, you’ll have to hang with my parents and the giggle-twins for the ride up and all day Saturday until we get there.”

  “I’m used to them.” Dustin’s stomach grumbled as he imagined the cabin and Mrs. Roth’s cooking. “As long as your mom’s in charge of the eats. I’m in. Does she pack car snacks?”

  “Again, the point for you coming along is not to gorge yourself and have cooking lessons with my mom. I’m hoping you will create a sufficient distraction. You know, enough to occupy Jenna.”

  “Dude. You are not suggesting that I like...try to hit on her?”

  “Hell no! That girl is a total freak. For God’s sake. I can’t even imagine flirting with her.” He shuddered comically and wrinkled his face into a horrified expression. “I’m thinking more along the lines of a nerd-filled, Uno/Chess tournament or something? Whatever she’s into these days. Just keep her engaged and distracted so Vere can have a chance to do some hikes, hang out—as in ALONE—minus YOU TWO and with Curtis.”

  “Ugh. Why can’t you do the Jenna chore? You know her better.”

  Charlie blinked. His face paled. “If I try to distract Jenna for that much time she will get weird ideas about me liking her. I do not need a stalker, thanks. Plus my parents—they always hint at me about going out with her. Imagine.” He shuddered again and looked Dustin up and down. “Doubtful your attentions will get her heartbeat up one notch. You, looking like that, keeps you safe enough.”

  “Great. Is that stthupposed to make me feel like a winner? Becausstth that hurtttsh my feelingssth.” Dustin smiled and pulled a face at Charlie.

  Charlie cracked up again. “Hey. You’re the one who begged to lose your mojo. Use your lameness for good deeds.”

  “Fine. Hell. Whatever you and Vere want.”

  “This is make or break weekend for Vere’s chances with Curtis. The guy doesn’t have a long attention span, if you know what I mean.”

  Dustin gritted his teeth, fully hating Curtis Wishford as Charlie went on, “The cheerleaders have already marked Curtis as a juicy, single, sitting duck. They’ve been sniffing around. One girl threw herself at him in the locker room last week. I won’t blame him if he decides on easier game. Some of those chicks are way hot. I’m thinking about getting my own cheerleader girlfriend soon. It’s homecoming-hookup time.” He winked at Dustin along with a gloating smirk.

  Dustin had the urge to deck Charlie right then, but knew he was only wishing he could punch the shit out of Curtis.

  How could Charlie want his own sister to date such a tool?

  And who wouldn’t have a long attention span where Vere was concerned?


  Whatever made Vere happy, no matter how much it hurt.

  “So, we’re understood?”

  He sighed and nodded. “You know I’ll do what’s right for the situation.”

  Charlie grinned and breached all popularity rules by patting Dustin’s dorky, plaid-covered shoulder. “Dude. I thank you. You’re truly real.”

  “Am I?”

  29: dreams come true


  “What do you say, Vere?” Curtis asked.


  Vere searched the stage for Dustin and Jenna. They were totally late. She wanted to catch Dustin alone to apologize and ask him if he’d liked the guitar.

  She wished she’d gone back last night once she’d calmed down, but she was just too embarrassed about what she’d done. And then when they were in the car together this morning, she’d botched her chances because she felt like crying all over again when she saw his face.

  Besides, what could they have said in front of Charlie?

  “So will you?”

  “What?” she asked.

  Curtis was on her left, idly tapping a finger against her knee. He’d done that every day in class, but today he’d upped his moves.

  A few minutes ago he’d drawn small delightful circles all over her knee. It had given her awesome goose bumps, but now he’d swit
ched back to this endless, annoying tapping.

  She couldn’t concentrate, only she had no clue what she was trying to concentrate on—

  Where are those guys? Not like them to be tardy.

  “Vere, I’m trying to ask you out.”

  She slammed her hand on top of his to stop the tapping motion, and then tried to make it look as though she’d meant to hold his hand instead.

  As if she would just reach out and hold Curtis’s hand in public? Her heart fluttered at the thought, because it was exactly what she’d done! They were now holding hands, all because of her.

  Or that stupid tapping...

  Curtis smiled, his expression sort of goofy now.

  It was one she’d grown to recognize as the confident, I-know-you-love-me-face. She’d liked it last week, but for some reason, today, it was playing into her odd mood. She glanced around again for her friends. They would be able to knock her bad attitude back into a good place.

  Curtis’s expression shifted into a half glower. “I’m going to say it one more time, spacey. I’m asking you to homecoming. The dance? Will you go with me to homecoming?”


  Dream come true. Dream come true! I’m going to a school dance, finally. And with a senior. AND WITH CURTIS. Pinch ME.

  “It’s in two weeks. Say you’ll go.”

  “You mean it?” she asked, stalling and pinching her own arm just in case this might be a dream.

  “Yes! I can’t wait to see you in some tight little dress, heels, and without the bun!” He smiled over at her. “Will you finally wear your hair down for me?”

  “Yes. Yes!” She beamed at him. “Of course. I’d love-love-love to go with you. This is going to be amazing! Yes!”

  “I love-love-love that you said yes!” he said, mimicking her using this comical, slightly creepy, baby-talk voice.

  She smiled.

  Because he was a little funny...sort of...

  Vere reached up to check her bun, but stopped halfway, feeling weird about it, and tucked her hand back into his.

  Curtis isn’t out of line for bringing up my hair, is he?

  And I’d wanted one of those dresses with a flowing A-line skirt. But I guess I can look for a straw-wrapper-tight dress instead.


  Vere. Do NOT over-think this. Curtis Wishford asked you to Homecoming! BE HAPPY.

  It’s an obvious fact that her current hairstyle was...unique and possibly not dance worthy. And the straw-wrapper-tight dresses were really in. Maybe he knows fashion and likes to talk about it. She was just getting to know him on this level. It would take time before they understood what the other one meant.

  “Can you dance?” she asked, trying to joke.

  “Among other things.” He gave her hand a hearty, almost painful squeeze. When she looked up he had that knowing smile on his face again and this time he added a wink.

  She smiled back but dropped his hand.

  No need for her to have broken fingers until dance night, plus his hand was too warm. Sweaty almost.

  Vere suddenly regretted that she’d told Curtis how much she really liked him that first day. Thankfully, he’d said the same things back to her so it shouldn’t be any big deal.

  But now, thinking about it, she wished she could have a do-over. She would have waited to say all that stuff, because then, he might have waited to invent that weird ‘sure thing’ smile.

  And heck, maybe he hadn’t invented it. Maybe he smiled just like that to all of his ‘other dance dates’.

  She laughed at her thoughts. What was the big deal? She was his sure thing. And proud of it, wasn’t she? She’d been waiting practically her whole life for him to ask her out, so why couldn’t she just be happy about it now that her moment had finally arrived? But, dreams coming true should not make you feel this cranky. She must be tired.

  “It will be cool, uh, and fun to see you all dressed up too,” she added lamely.

  Vere heard the sound of Jenna’s laughter echo across the stage. She looked over and spotted Jenna by the door.

  She never sat over there. As in never!

  That side of the stage was relegated for freshmen!

  Another round of laughter drew her gaze to Dustin who sat right beside Jenna. He appeared to be entertaining the entire group, including Mrs. VanDeWirth with some of his antics.

  What in the heck are they doing?

  “Looks like I get to have you all to myself today. Maybe they’ll stay over there for the whole semester.”

  Curtis moved his backpack and hers to one side. He scooted closer and lowered his voice. “I hope I get some chances to be alone with you at the cabin this weekend. Might be a good habit to start up, you and me, being alone.” Curtis reached over and drew a couple little circles on her knee again.

  Vere smiled at that and sucked in a breath. He’d given her shivers. She had goose bumps all over now. “Yeah,” she whispered. “Alone seems fun,” she added her heart filling with doubt.

  Curtis moved his hand higher and shifted it onto her inner thigh. Vere thought she might die. Her heart had done so many flips in the past few seconds she wondered if she was having a heart attack. Maybe that’s why she also felt kind of panicky and strange and, really embarrassed all of a sudden. Was anyone watching them?

  She blushed, but didn’t care, because it was the first time she’d blushed in front of Curtis for days.

  And in this case it is totally appropriate!

  “Um...maybe like this room is too crowded to be doing that?” She looked deep into Curtis’s grass green eyes. Why did it seem as though he somehow sort of enjoyed her discomfort?

  “Relax, Vere. I’m not going to bite you,” he murmured as he scooted closer. His slowly circling finger did not once miss a turn on her thigh. “This is why, like I said, we need to spend more time alone.”

  “Yeah. I agree.” She glanced at his gorgeous lips and wondered what it would finally be like to kiss him for real. Her heart rushed into her throat, and her mind fled to panic.

  Kiss him? Kiss him? KISS HIM? I can’t. I simply CAN’T.

  What if I flip and knock him out again or something? Aaah!

  There was no way she could trust herself to try touching her lips to his. She knew deep inside she was truly still an awkward mess where he was concerned, especially on the kissing front. Just thinking about it, and the stupid ‘incident’ had her shaking. One step at a time, Vere. Don’t think about kissing yet.

  Just stay cool and enjoy the goose bumps. You like those...

  Goosebumps, getting asked to homecoming and circles on my thigh: A++

  Kissing, later. One test at a time. I’m passing well enough today.

  She pulled her gaze from his face and concentrated instead on the short thick waves that made up his perfectly cut sideburns. Curtis had amazing hair.

  Almost as nice as Dustin’s...

  She swallowed an odd lump in her throat and moved one perfect black curl off Curtis’s forehead. It stuck to her finger. She had to work for a second to untangle it without hurting him. “Sorry,” she added when she failed, and he’d winced.

  The laughter from across the stage had reached a new level of hilarity. They both looked over to see Dustin and Jenna performing some odd mime-type dance.

  Even Mrs. VanDeWirth was in on the fun.

  Vere wished she could hear them—be part of it.

  The curl she’d moved dropped back down.

  “I so don’t miss those two right now,” Curtis said resuming his circles on her other knee.

  She glanced one last time over at her friends and then back at her homecoming date and smiled. “Neither do I,” she lied.

  30: lake swimming


  Dustin McHugh had landed back in heaven.

  Mrs. Roth’s food heaven.

  He felt right at home back in the Roth family cabin. Like he really belonged here. They’d given him his old room. Aunt Nan said she was staying behind to cat
ch up on cutting back her garden, but he knew she probably wanted a weekend of peace without a bunch of teenagers in her house.

  Dustin had just gorged himself on Mrs. Roth’s famous jalapeño, roasted green-chili, cream cheese and scrambled-egg bagels. So damn good, and satisfying. Mostly because Mrs. Roth had left a note on the plate. Just for him.

  For our dear, Dustin. Eat up. Fresh juice in the fridge.

  He’d pocketed the little slip of paper and done exactly as instructed, eating until his stomach hurt.

  Heaven. Definitely. Heaven.

  And Mrs. Roth is my real live angel.

  They’d all arrived late last night. Jenna and Vere most probably had gone to the lake for a swim. It was all they’d talked about on the ride up. That is, before Jenna Riley, who had taken the center seat, had fallen asleep all over his lap.

  She’d drooled on him for the last hour of the trip.

  At least it had amused Vere who’d giggled about it every five minutes.

  Girl had the sweetest laugh.

  He assumed Mr. and Mrs. Roth had long gone on a hike, doing what they called a fourteener.

  Vere had explained the term meant a hike that involved a peak at (or higher than) 14,000 feet. Dustin had opted out, swearing he needed extra sleep. Charlie and the perfect Curtis, had also begged off the hike, and were still sleeping upstairs. He’d tried to read on the covered porch but the late morning sun had turned it into a sauna. He wished he’d brought along his guitar, but he’d left it at home.

  He didn’t want Curtis or Jenna to know he could play that well, and when he had that beautiful old Strat in his hands he couldn’t resist simply playing it well.

  After pacing around inside for a good half hour, he dashed up to his room and put on the swim trunks Charlie had lent him last time. He decided to walk along the lake loop to search for Jenna and Vere. And maybe swim or quickly cool off.


  It didn’t take him long to locate the path Vere had shown him that first weekend. Within minutes he’d made it to the shoreline of the little jewel looking lake.